3 月 11 日午後に発生した東北地方太平洋沖地震において被災された方々に心よりお見舞い申し上げます。
H-D Japan would like to offer our deepest condolences to those who have suffered from the earthquake & tsunami that occurred on March 11th.
H-D Japan has decided to raise a fund to support rescue and recovery efforts in the devastated area and to support all motorcycle riders who suffered from the disaster.
The donations will be provided to a local Harley-Davidson authorized dealer or H.O.G. chapter to be used to support H-D owners, as well as supporting the recovery efforts. They also may be donated to one of the major charities supporting the recovery.
・ 実施期間 Period
3月14日(月)~4月30日(土) March 14th to April 30th
・ 募金方法 How to donate
お振込み Payment via bank transfer
三菱東京UFJ銀行三田支店 普通: 3685711
Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ Mita-branch: 3685711
口座名: ハーレーダビッドソンファミリー基金
代表 クリスチャン・ウォルターズ
Account name:Harley-Davidson Family Fund
Rep. Christian Walters
※ 振込手数料は「受取人払い」でお手続きください。
Please select ”receiver pay transfer fee” when requested.
※ または全国のHDJ正規販売網でも募金の受付を行なっております。
Donations also accepted at the H-D Authorized dealers in Japan.